Explanation of Negative Codes: If a program that you are running reports error -34, disk full, this means that there isn't enough room on the disk that you are trying to save the file. You will need to switch to Finder and either empty your Trash or delete some unused files. If a program reports error -108, out of memory, you will need to quit your program, and increase the amount of memory that it is using. If you see any of the other errors describes herin, which error number that is reported is not as important as the error it reported. Not that the fact that these errors are being displayed is important; what the errors are generaly is not important. If your program is frequently bombing when you are running it, there are generally five possible causes: 1. The program has a bug in it. 2. The directory has become corrupted. 3. The is an INIT (control panal or extention) conflict. 4. The system software has become corrupted. 5. Or there is some minor corruption of your hardware (such as your hard disk). Following are some suggestions that you should try inorder to fix the problem. • Increase the amount of memory a program has - - many program problems are caused by low memory conditions. You should increase the memory at least to the "suggested size"; if the memory is already that size, try increasing it by another 512K. • Restart your machine with the "Shift" key held down. Doing this tells your Macintosh to shut off the INITS and Extentions. You can determine that the problem may be an extention conflict. Newer systems have an "Extention Manager" that can assist you in your problem. • You may have an outdated version of the program. Contact the program manufacturer to find out if you have a compatable version.